Hi, I’m Stu!

I am a professional speaker, podcast host of the show Finding Direction, coach and avid action sports enthusiast. You will either find me helping someone reach their full potential or spending time in the mountains. Ten years ago my life was changed when I was introduced to the personal development world and now I’m on a mission to help 1 million people live happy, fulfilling and successful lives.


If you’re interested in more of the “behind-the-scenes” scoop… here’s a little more of my story below.

Started As a Shy Kid…

Growing up, I always thought of myself as the shy, quieter kid. Whether it was at a family gathering, in the classroom, or with a group of people, I always found myself in the background being someone of few words.

The truth (that I didn’t quite know yet), is I was actually afraid to talk. I was unconsciously scared that if I spoke I would be shut down, hurt and that no one really cared what I had to say.


I Discovered You Could Change

At the age of 19 years old, I was first introduced to the personal development world where I learned one life altering idea. You can learn, grow into, and become anyone you want. I realized that just because you were born one way, doesn’t mean that’s what the rest of your future has to look like. And more so, that you can become anything you desire in the world if you’re willing to learn and put in the work to become better.

Over the course of 4 years I was mentored by some of the greatest minds in personal development including Bob Proctor and Eric Thomas aka E.T. the Hip Hop Preacher.

I began embracing what I learned and hunting for discomfort. I lived the saying. “Successful people do what is uncomfortable until it becomes comfortable and that is why they are successful.” This led me to speaking on stages in front of 10,000 people and conducting over 1,500 training events. I was involved in the network marketing industry and led a team of 4,000 people in 18+ countries where we ultimately did $8 million dollars in revenue.

Life Had Different Plans For Me…

At the age of 24, I had decided to go on a 7 month trip across the world, but life had different plans for me… Only 3 days into my stay in Queenstown, New Zealand, I was diagnosed with testicular cancer. The 7 months I planned to travel the world, quickly turned into 7 months of surgeries and recovery.


A New Chapter Unfolding…

After recovering from cancer, I found myself in one of the deepest places of my life. Utterly lost, confused and constantly asking every day, “Why am I here?” “What is my purpose?” “What am I supposed to do with my life?” I went from doing something I loved in my life, to losing it all and being uncertain about everything.

However, I knew that if I created a life that I truly LOVED before, there was no reason that I couldn’t do it again. And thus, my new search began…


Finding Direction Podcast

As a result of trying to find my own direction, I started the podcast Finding Direction in early 2019. My goal was to interview people who live passionate, fulfilling, successful lives to learn how they did it and in turn, share their wisdom and actionable tips with the world. After 250+ episodes, we continue to help our audience find their purpose and live it to their fullest potential. (Podcast available on all podcast platforms - Finding Direction)

Partnering With Tony Robbins

In late 2019, as I was searching for my own purpose and meaning in this world, I realized how much I truly love helping people and that my purpose on this world was to do exactly that.

One of the ways I decided to do that in a large capacity, was by working with another one of the greats (in my opinion the GOAT - Greatest Of All Time) in the personal development world, Tony Robbins. I now work with teams and organizations all over the world helping people unlock their full potential in business and life.

Leading Others To Their Purpose

As I continued to live in my purpose, I noticed how many people in the world truly feel the same pain of being lost in life. Statistics say that 80% of people don’t actually love what they do and in my opinion, that is unacceptable.

I now speak all over the country to college students and organizations helping people discover what lights them up in this world, and how they can make it their reality. Then once they find their purpose, I help them live it to the fullest so they can create a happy, fulfilling and successful life.